Helm features I would wish to know from day one

Helm package manager

Kubernetes Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes deployments. It is one of the possible tools for deployment management on Kubernetes platform. You can imagine it as an RPM in Linux world with package management on top of it like an apt-get utility.

Helm release management, ability to install or rollback to a previous revision, is one of the strongest selling points of Helm and together with strong community support makes it an exciting option. Especially the number of prepared packages is amazing and make it extremely easy to bootstrap a tech stack on the kubernetes cluster. But this article is not supposed to be a comparison between the kubernetes tools but instead describing an experience I’ve made while working with it and finding the limitations which for some else might be quite ok but having an ability to use the tool in those scenarios might be an additional benefit.
Helm is written in GO lang with the usage of GO templates which brings some limitation to the tool. Helm works on the level of string literals, and you need to take care of quotation, indentation etc. to form a valid kubernetes deployment manifest. This is a strong design decision from the creators of the Helm, and it is good to be aware of it. Secondly, Helm merges two responsibilities: To render a template and to provide kubernetes manifest. Though you can nest templates or create a template hierarchy, the rendered result must be a Kubernetes manifest which somehow limits possible use cases for the tool. Having the ability to render any template would extend tool capabilities as quite often the kubernetes deployment descriptors contain some configuration where you would appreciate type validation or possibility to render it separately. At the time of writing this article, the Helm version 2.11 didn’t allow that. To achieve this, you can combine Helm with other tools like Jsonnet and tie those together.
While combining different tools, I found following Helm advanced features quite useful which greatly simplified and provide some structure to the resulting Helm template. Following list enumerates those which I found quite useful.

Useful Helm advanced features

Template nesting (named templates)

Sub-templates can be structured in helper files starting with an underscore, e.g. `_configuration.tpl` as files starting with underscore doesn’t need to contain valid kubernetes manifest.

{{- define "template.to.include" -}}
The content of the template
{{- end -}}

To use the sub-template, you can use

{{ include "template.to.include" .  -}}

Where “.” passes the actual context. When there are problems with the context trick with $ will solve the issue.

Include file

To include a file all you need is specify a path

{{ $.Files.Get "application.conf" -}}

Embed file

Embedding file as configuration

{{ (.Files.Glob "application.conf").AsConfig  }}

it generates key-value automatically which is great when declaring a configMap

Validate input and fail quickly

To provide a reasonable error message and make some config values mandatory, use required function

{{ required "Error message if value not specified" .Values.component.port }}

Escaping dots

Accessing a key from value file which contains a dot e.g. application.conf

{{- index .Values.configuration "application.conf" }}

Combined logical expressions

IF statements combining multiple values

{{- if or (.Values.boolean1) (.Values.boolean2) (.Values.boolean3) }}

Wrapping reference to value into braces solves the issue.

Definitevly I didin’t list all features but those I see as a moving a code and structure to the next level. Do you fell that I have missed some? Please let me know here in the comment section or reach me on twitter.

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3 thoughts on “Helm features I would wish to know from day one

    • First one gets the content of the file and you can manipulate that. Second one gets the content of the file AND creates it as key value pair where key is the name of the file and value is content. You cannot change the key. Hope that clarifies


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